Some potential datasets we should focus on
RE CARRIE: In case you're interested ... SE0703L1 (only 38 & 120 kHz) could be interesting because it's in the Hawaiian Islands but the quality of the data is going to be suspectEX1103L1 (only 18 kHz) is interesting because the short transect is located above the Galapagos IslandsEX1404L2 (only 18 kHz) is interesting because the short transect contains a gas seep-type feature in the Mid AtlanticEX1608 is interesting because it's an EX cruise with 18, 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz transducers running in the Hawaiian Islands, a slightly different area than SE0703L1MF0904 may not be super interesting because it's in Puget Sound & Strait of Juan de Fuca where it will be very shallow but it's on the west(ish) coastHB0707 is one day of sea trials but it's on the east coast with 4 different frequencies and follows the continental shelfHB0710 is on and off the Mid Atlantic continental shelf. The deeper data seem to have extra noise (or at least noise that got past my processing at one point), which is actually helpful.
Perhaps coincidentally, you have nice geographic coverage and some interesting content!
Rudy: I will put together a list of cruises we would like to have finished by the end of the month — based on our conversation ~20 cruise-level Zarr stores seems like a reasonable goal without wasting too much compute cost. Tentatively I would like the 20 cruises to include subsets of the Miller_Freeman MF0710 & MF0903 cruises as well as the Bell_M._Shimada SH1103, SH1204, and SH1305 cruises where the data overlap.
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